Examination of Types of Mathematical Connections that Pre-service Mathematics Teachers Use in Teaching Processes
This study aims to examine the types of mathematical associations that pre-service mathematics teachers use in their teaching processes and their opinions on the mathematical connection. For this purpose, a total of 60 pre-service mathematics teachers made teaching plans related to a learning outcome from the Turkish middle school mathematics curriculum. The research conducted with case study design within the qualitative research methods. Video recordings, field notes and an opinion form were used as data collection tools. The data were analyzed by a content analysis method. Results of the study show that almost all of the pre-service teachers have an understanding of mathematical connections. It was determined that the types of connections between concepts, between different representations and connections with real life were prominent, while the type of association with different disciplines was less common during the teaching processes. Connections were mainly made by giving examples through verbal expressions. These results provide an important perspective on the mathematical connectionskills of pre-service primary mathematics teachers. Suggestions for improving pre-service teachers' mathematical association skills were presented acording to the results of the study.
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