Qualitative Analysis of the Relationship between Online Homework and Prior Success, Self-efficacy, Perceived Responsibility, Motivation and Academic Success

Ceyla Odabaş, Recep Kahramanoğlu


In this study it is aimed at analyzing the relationship between online homework and students’ prior success, self-efficacy beliefs, perceived responsibility, motivation level and academic success. Oxford Online Practice is an online homework platform which has been used at the School of Foreign Languages in Gaziantep University, within the scope of this study online homework performances of students have been studied in terms of its relationship with students’ prior success, self-efficacy beliefs, perceived responsibility, motivation and academic success. The existing literature about the effects of online homework reveals the importance of cognitive processes, in this regard students’ prior success, self-efficacy beliefs, perceived responsibility and motivation are in mutual interaction in the use of online homework. In learning processes online homework, which has an important role in practising, reinforcement and presenting new content, is also seen as an effective learning tool in increasing success. In this sense analyzing the effects of online homework has an utmost importance in understanding both academic and cognitive processes in a better way. In this study when the acquisite data were analyzed it was concluded that students’ prior success (first exam grades) is effective on their online homework performances, self-efficacy beliefs and perceived responsibility, in general students’ online homework performances are effective on their self-efficacy beliefs, perceived responsibility, motivation and academic success in a positive way. In the analysis of students’ views about perceived responsibility and motivation level, it was concluded that highly motivated students and the students with higher sense of responsibility are also academically successful.



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2023.349


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