Effect of Interactive Online Learning Material Developed on Digital Rights and Responsibilities on Students' Self-efficacies



This research aims to examine the impact of interactive online learning material on students' self-efficacy, prepared for achievements related to "digital rights and responsibility" in the Social Studies and Information Technologies and Software course. The study design is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest paired control group. The study group consisted of 40 students studying in the 7th grade in a secondary school affiliated with the Ministry of National Education (MEB) located in Ankara province. The working group was divided into experimental and control groups. Within the framework of the research purpose, the interactive online learning material was made available to the experimental group through Learning Management Systems (LMS). On the other hand, control group studentsto-face training. As a data collection tool, five-point Likert-type “Digital Rights and Responsibility Scale” was used.  In data analysis, Shapiro-Wilk analysis, Levene homogeneity test, independent sample T-test, and Paired sample T-test were used. According to the results of the study, the interactive online learning material planned and designed according to learner characteristics significantly increased students' self-efficacy levels.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2023.330


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