Effect of Teaching Mathematics Supported by Problem-posing Strategies on Problem-posing Skills

Ramazan DİVRİK


The present study aims to investigate the effects of teaching mathematics supported by problem posing strategies on 4th-grade students’ problem-posing skills. The study also seeks to determine students’ views about the process. To this end, the study employed the explanatory sequential design, one of the mixed methods that incorporate collecting quantitative data and qualitative data. The study group consisted of 4th-grade students studying in two different classrooms of a public school located in the west of Türkiye in the 2021-2022 academic year. The data were collected through a “Problem-Posing Skills Test” and a “Semi-Structured Interview Form.” The research concludes that teaching mathematics supported by problem posing strategies improves students’ problem-posing skills. In addition, this method was more effective than the one used in the control group in developing students' structured, semi-structured, and free problem-posing skills. At the end of the interviews, it was determined that teaching mathematics supported by problem posing strategies was an innovative, student-centered, and emotionally stimulating technique. It was also found that the students had more difficulty in semi-structured and free problem-posing tasks.

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