A Comparison of Metaphors Created by Teachers in Turkey and Abroad

Celalettin Çelebi, Fatih Yılmaz


It is highly important that teachers have the necessary professional knowledge, skills and attitudes for the efficiency of the teaching and learning process, which has an important role in gaining the required qualifications to individuals. One of the educational platforms that can be used for teachers to develop both their personal and professional skills is the eTwinning platform. It offers opportunities for both teachers and students. Literature review has shown that the number of researches on eTwinning, which is used by more and more teachers in Turkey, is insufficient in number. The participants of this research, which aims to compare mataphors created by teachers in Turkey and abroad, consist of 224 teachers. In the study, the content analysis method has been adopted and, the data have been collected thorugh a fixed form questionnaire. According to the results of the research, it has been found out that eTwinning projects have mostly been carried out by teachers working at primary schools. The metaphors produced by teachers for eTwinning projects have been grouped under 8 different categories. Lastly, teachers also use various tools while carrying out their projects

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2021.133


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