Test the Effect of Perceived Satisfaction, Motivation and Anxiety on Second Life Environment in Distance Learning Model: Structural Equation Modeling

Elnour Omar, Azhari Drewsh, Abdomalik Ahmed


The main purpose of the present study is to predict the relationship between motivation , anxiety, perceived satisfaction and Second Life within asynchronous learning environment specifically in EFL course. Data of the present study were collected from undergraduate students - Sudan University of Technology and Science (SUST) in Sudan. The Questionnaire was conducted manually. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Version 16 and SPSS Version 11.5 were used. A hypothesized model was tested for model fit in the present study. The convergent validity and discriminant validity were conducted. The exogenous variables showed that Motivation was positively and significantly related to anxiety statistically level was 0.29 and Motivation was positively and significantly related to second life statistically level was 0.32 , anxiety positively and significantly related to Second Life statistically level was 0,25 whereas, perceived satisfaction was excluded in this study because did not satisfy statistical requirement. Therefore, the study was conducted in asynchronous learning environment, particularly in EFL course which is offered to undergraduate students at Deanship of Distance Education - Sudan University of Technology and Science (SUST) - Sudan.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51383/ijonmes.2018.19


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